#challenge 7

Hello, my dear readers!

Have you ever felt the social fears? For example, did you feel uncomfortable to start conversation with person you don't know?

These questions relate to my 7th challenge: Go to a social event with a friend and initiate a conversation with one person you don't know.
About 2 days ago I went to my friend's birthday and there were people I didn't know. We all were sitting at the table and I talked to my friends. But when I went in kitchen to take a cake with candles, I came across the man, who was sitting oposite me at the table. I was very confused and apologized. But this man said: "That's okay. It happens to everybody." Then I smiled and asked about his mood. It turned out tha we started talking. At first I felt tension, but after a while I felt that it was gone and I relaxed. So, in my surrounding there was one more good companion. 
